Epoxy Terrazo Flooring
TERRAZZO is a highly decorative flooring system that combines pigmented polymer modified concrete with marble, colored glass, granite, or other approved aggregates and is trowel applied at 8mm to 18mm nominal thickness and polished to expose a beautiful matrix of resin and aggregates. Terrazzo provides outstanding durability and wear resistance resulting in the lowest life cycle cost of any flooring system available.
Extensive color selection allows for unlimited design variations
Colors will not fade or wear thin
Chemical and stain resistant
High wear, impact and abrasion resistance
Rapid cure and finishing time
Less weight than marble, granite
Low odour during application and cure, can be applied in occupied buildings
Low maintenance.
more suitable for multi-story buildings
Resists bacteria and fungal growth
Lowest life-cycle cost decorative flooring
Low odour for use in occupied areas
Scope Of Work
Terrazzo floors method can be divided in two phases, first one is laying and
second is Polishing, first step covers start to finish of laying including floor preparation, primer, Divider strip installation, fibre isolation if needed to prevent substrate crack to go thru the terrazzo and laying of PMC Terrazzo.
Second phase covers Grinding, polishing, Grouting and sealer to achieve the minimum abrasion resistant and non – penetrating stain surface.
Here is the detailed description of throughout process.
Phase 1 - Laying Terrazzo
Surface Assesment
Surface Preparation
Primer / Isolation Membrane
Divider Strip Installation
Laying of Terrazzo
Phase 2 - Grindng, Polishing, Sealing and Burnishing

Other Useful Products

Staroxy 20 SF – Sand Coving
Aggregates – Sand, Silica Powder, Talc Powder
Staroxy 21 WB – Water base Coving
Stancrete 33 PU – PU base Coving
Stanrocove 25 – Covefinish
Staroxy 22 – Epoxy Coving Paint
Starothane 23 – PU Coving Paint
Starothane Yellow/White – PU Yellow Lining Paint
Staroxy Yellow/White – Epoxy Yellow Lining Paint